Karisa Holland

Sometimes we start down a path expecting a certain outcome, when God guides you somewhere else completely. Back in 2020 I needed to find a project to keep me busy. As a special education teacher, I was used to multi-tasking; so having nothing to do was absolute torture.

With a friend’s guidance, I began an online boutique and quickly found that I hated selling clothing… but I LOVED creating the social media content for them. I’ve helped friends off & on with their businesses since then to provide them with affordable help & help grow their business. In 2022, I built a website for a non-profit that I had worked with since 2013. This opened the door to creating websites. From there, I began helping a local business with their website and social media, solidifying my love for content creation & web design. I’ve slowly accrued more clients and have become a big fan of using the Squarespace platform for its ease of use, integration options, and affordability.

I work hard to provide affordable services for local and startup businesses in my free time (I’m a newly licensed realtor). I understand what it’s like to be starting something new, needing help, and struggling to find someone in my price range. That’s what I strive to provide for you as a startup or small business.

Quality services & affordability.