course: go at your own pace, set up of social media & google, marketing basics, how to use Canva

coaching: 1:1 coaching, 1x week for 3 months, covers social media set up, marketing, & Canva

Scroll down for more info!


My Services

  • (Re) Branding

    Branding services involve creating and implementing strategies to establish a unique identity for your company. This can include developing a brand voice, messaging, and visual elements such as color schemes and typography. Branding services will help your business differentiate itself and build recognition & trust with your target audience. It can also improve customer loyalty and increase the perceived value of the brand.

  • Web Design

    Web design services encompass the creation & maintenance of a visually appealing, user-friendly website. I take into account factors such as the target audience, branding, & functionality to craft a site that effectively conveys the desired message. Additionally, I can help you decide which hosting platform is best for you, domain set up, create forms, & develop a templates. A website is vital for your business to establish an effective online presence.

  • Training Services

    Training services are to ensure that your website stays up-to-date and functioning properly, should you choose to maintain it yourself or within your company. This entails a zoom meeting with screen share so I can show you how to continue running your website, updating newsletters with new content, uploading blogs/vlogs, etc. You will be set up for success and ready to hit the ground running when your site launches.


What you’ll learn

  • These modules will cover how to use Canva to create content and create your ‘brand kit.’ It’ll also contain recommended apps & tools to help content creation be as easy as possible.

  • In this module you’ll learn how to set up your own business social media accounts for Instagram, Facebook. TikTok, and Google Business page. It’ll also cover the types of content you can create & when to use them.

  • If you’ve ever tried to look up marketing tips, you probably feel like you’re drinking from a fire hose. I provide you with a simple approach to marketing that will save you time & sanity.

Course FAQ

  • ABSOLUTELY! I go at a slow, step-by-step, pace to ensure you are able to learn comfortably. This course was designed specifically for people who don’t have any or very little experience with social media and content creation.

  • I accept payment via venmo or zelle. Invoice will be emailed confirming payment.

  • For as long as you need it! This way you can go slow & not be overwhelmed with trying to learn it all at once.